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Pussycats, Pussycats, Where Have You Been? Wella Ambassadors Represent South Africa in London

On a cold February morning in London’s West End, three of South Africa’s Senior Wella Ambassadors stepped out of St Giles Hotel and made their way to the Wella World Studio in the heart of London’s theatreland.

A combination of creative and technical skill, coupled with commitment and determination, led to an invitation to attend a 3-day inspirational colour seminar and the launch of Wella Professionals’ game-changing Shinefinity Zero Lift Glaze. The trend-inspired seminar featured a hands-on workshop and look and listen expert class with renowned hair stylist and Wella Professionals UK Colour Ambassador, James Earnshaw.

For Flo Neacsu, London was a return to familiar territory, albeit a decade later. For Jadie Herbst and Charles Junior Louw it was a first. For all three it was a time of team-building, networking and learning.

“My intention was to be a dry sponge and to absorb as much as possible. I learned a lot,” says Flo. “What stood out for me is how versatile Shinefinity can be and how powerful the darker depths are.” Flo has returned to his Cape Town salon and applied his newly acquired techniques. “My clients are very happy with the results.” Flo adds that he has a deep sense of responsibility to share what he has learned with other stylists. “I feel very fortunate and I am grateful to have had this opportunity.”

“We’re always learning with Wella,” says Jadie. “There’s never a time when we aren’t improving or learning from one another.” Jadie’s most exciting moment was learning from James Earnshaw. “He has great presence and it was truly magical seeing him work. He is so well-known and talented, but easy to relate to on a professional and educational level.” James shared new techniques and formulas he created in collaboration with the Wella Education team for the soon-to-drop-in-SA KP: POP collection. “I don’t do a lot of bright colour work or extravagant placement, but I have been able to tweak some of my techniques to better suit my working style from what I learned at the seminar and I am appreciative of that,” she says.

“James Earnshaw really knows how to style and I was very happy to learn from him,” says Charles Junior. “But what stood out for me was the Shinefinity experience. I very much wanted to learn and explore what it can do and I learned a lot.” In a role-reversal moment during a hands-on session, Charles Junior made an impression on the Wella colour technicians, “Jadie and I did an amazing blonde with exceptional results. I felt that the model’s hair was too damaged for the technique suggested and I used my own. The condition and the quality achieved in the time we were given really impressed the Wella colour technicians, so I guess they learned something too!” After a tough three years struggling to claw his way out of a dark place, Charles Junior is finding joy again. “From the moment the journey to London started, everything changed and I felt like I got my mojo back! Everything was amazing. I’m honoured and most appreciative to Wella for this opportunity.”


Just for fun, we posed a few group travel questions to the three ambassadors:

Best sense of direction?

Flo: I would say Junior … but only because he had data to use google maps!

Jadie: Charles usually ended up being right. Sorry Flo!

Charles Junior: That would be me and I’m sure the two of them will agree. I had to take charge of the entire trip!

Best sense of humour?

Flo: Definitely Junior.

Jadie: Me! But for real, Charles and me both. We all had so many good laughs on the trip.

Charles Junior: Definitely me! I have a great sense of humour. Someone has to be the best at everything in life, nê?

Best organisational skills?

Flo: Junior again.

Jadie: Charles!

Charles Junior: I know I sound all me-me-me (I’m not really like that), but yes, me. I think Jadie and Flo would be comfortable with that.

Best of London?

Flo: An Uber boat, a first for me, to visit London Tower Bridge at night.

Jadie: Walking at night was such a good experience. I loved all the little restaurants and pubs. Seeing so many people walking at night, listening to street music and seeing people dancing in the street… it felt like being in a movie. I thought Buckingham Palace would blow my mind but it was much smaller in real life than I had imagined.

Charles Junior: We didn’t have much time to see the sights so I would say being with Flo and Jadie was the best of London for me. We laughed so much!


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