We all wish there was a 'magic bullet' that automatically makes their business successful but that's like planting feathers and expecting chickens to grow, if you know what I mean!
However, PROMOTION is another story!
I'm not speaking about undermining the value of your work by discounting or offering “2 for the price of 1”. And seasonal promotions such as Mother's Day or Easter are very useful for boosting turnover but should not be considered a formula for success.
PROMOTION, when used as an energy source, where you promote your skills, knowledge, experience and expertise to identify clients' problems, needs and desires - fuelled by passion, excitement and enthusiasm – THIS is the most powerful force in the universe.
Most successful salons are guided by a Mission Statement that is based on values with clients being the promotional focus.
No promotion works better than a team of motivated professionals promoting hair health and striving to give each client the best hair possible.
- Terry Miles, MD of My Salon Software

Email: info@mysalonsoftware.co.za