Retro looks are a continuing cult. Again and again, elements from earlier decades are rediscovered by fashion designers and brought to new life in the present.
This collection will pay homage to a golden era of fashion that is so relevant to todays demands from our glam customers.
This collection was James Calabria's vision of current fashionable looks reinterpreting style elements of the 50s and early 60s.
Classic techniques from teasing, blow waving with a hair brush, setting and hand-made water waves feature celebrating a grandiose comeback here.
The fashion is as if we rummaged through our grandparents' glam wardrobes.

Collection Name: Retro Vixens
Hairdresser: James Calabria
Salon: Franco of Canberra @francoofcanberra
Photographer: Sven Kovac @svenkovac
Stylist: Josie McManus @josie.mcmanus
Make Up: Lorella Giannini @lorellagianninimakeupartist