We immerse ourselves in a journey through time, where the majesty of Eastern and Western cultures intertwines in a hairdressing collection inspired by the fascinating history of the Silk Road. This project recaptures the opulence and refinement of antiquity, fusing the art and traditions of Rome and Persia in an ode to enduring elegance.
This hairdressing collection fuses the grandeur of two worlds, capturing the essence of the cultures and bringing it into the present through innovative styles and a captivating sensory experience - an invitation to explore the enduring elegance of a legendary era!
Historical Inspiration:
The Silk Road was a melting pot of cultures, a place where the splendour of Rome and the sophistication of Persia converged. Caravans, laden with treasures such as perfumes, spices, jewellery and fabrics, travelled this trade route that connected civilisations and left an indelible mark on history.

Hair: Toni Espigares @toniespigarespostigo
Hair Salon: Toni Espigares Hair and Makeup Studio
Photography: Esteban Roca @esteban_roca_photo
MUA: Toni Espigares @toniespigarespostigo
Styling: Toni Espigares @toniespigarespostigo
Products: Schwarzkopf Professional @schwarzkopfpro.spain