Rent a chair available in a stunning salon atmosphere.
We are looking for passionate, ambitious, hard-working individuals to join our team.
We only have a few chairs left to offer to hair stylists who would love to join our professional team.
We have created an elegant and unique space, setting it up in the most elegantly appealing way we could. We want to offer you an amazing opportunity to work with our team and still be your own boss without the setup cost.
We are looking for Qualified rent a chair stylists to join us, with your own clientele.
The Industry Hair and Beauty offers you the opportunity to grow your clientele base and flourish as part of our successful team of hair stylists.
The Industry Hair & Beauty
56 Lyttleton Road, Clubview, Centurion
Chrisma Appelcryn: 082 432 4776
Lynette Botha: 068 556 9765