Whether you have had a good year, or scraped through by the seat of your pants, the things you do between now and the end of the year will influence how you answer that same question at the end of 2025. Like most things in life business is DYNAMIC in other words success is the result of being pro-active and if you... FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL
1. Invest in a COMPLETE BUSINESS SYSTEM, not just a bookings app, not just a stock-control system, or a CRM, or a fancy accounting system. You need an Enterprise Management System which integrates information for your COMPLETE BUSINESS.
2. Strengthen your Team and reduce staff turnover. Staff who receive on-going training, work to a set of goals and targets and receive regular feedback via appraisals and performance reports (KPI or key performance indicators) remain loyal and motivated.
3. Control Costs especially in areas such as stock and you could safe up to 20% by having a system that replaces stock used, monitors model level and reorder levels, AND provides advanced reporting on stock-movement and forward-cover. Any savings in expenditure goes straight to the PROFIT LINE.
4. Grow you clientele by recognising and rewarding clients with a Loyalty Programme.Have a NEW CLIENT STRATEGY and a business system that shows how many new clients you get, and where they come from, how many new clients you are converting into regulars AND how many clients no longer come to you.
5. Increase Social Media. YOU HAVE TO BE SEEN TO BE SOLD. You have no idea how powerful social media has become. Some think it was Social Media that was the determining factor in the recent Presidential Elections in America.

6. Invest in MY SALON SOFTWARE. The ONE that has it all! FOR MORE INFORMATION - Call us NOW:
For more information call us NOW:
Email: info@mysalonsoftware.co.za
Email: terry@mysalonsoftware.co.za | Tel: 083 650 0952
Email: sune@mysalonsoftware.co.za | Tel: 083 484 2960
Visit us on: www.mysalonsoftwareint.co.za
