This is the official announcement from the EOHCB, confirming that salons may continue to operate under adjusted level 4. Thank you to the industry - your focus on safety and correct protocols over the past year has ensured that salons are a safe and low risk environment. Your efforts have kept clients safe! Now let's continue to do so during the third wave.
Dear EOHCB Member & Industry,
As per the President’s address this evening, South Africa will be moving to Adjusted Alert Level 4 of lockdown as of Monday, 28 June 2021.
With the adjustment to level 4 and referencing to the President’s speech, economic activity for the Personal Care Sector will continue during adjusted level 4!

The EOHCB awaits the published gazette relating to Adjusted Alert Level 4 to provide more detail. (Update: Gazette is now published and attached to this news release)
Please continue to enforce and practice the Personal Care Sector-Specific protocols as gazette on 19 June 2020.
Should you have any queries regarding the latest adjustment, please feel free to contact the EOHCB.
Kind Regards,
The EOHCB Team
Download the pdf HERE to see the full gazetted regulations for adjusted level 4.