The first-ever EOHCB Digital Hair, Nail, and Makeup Artistry Competition is being held this year.
The EOHCB will be extending the 2021 Digital Hair, Nail, and Makeup Artistry Competition entry date!
Competitors will now be able to submit their entries anytime up to 31 October 2021 at 24h00!
We will also be adding two additional hair sections!
1. Creative Braiding
2. Bridal

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of the EOHCB has agreed to the hosting of a photography-submitted digital competition which will run from 1 July 2021 until 31 October 2021.
There are five sections catering to professional hair, nail, and makeup artists. Winners will be announced via our digital platforms with incredible prizes to be won, sponsored by our trusted professional industry partners.
Here’s more information on the categories, and exactly how to enter this fabulous competition. Either click the links or scroll down. Get inspired and start dreaming up your winning looks!

For more information, visit the competition link on the EOHCB website
Keep up to date with the latest industry news and competition updates by liking EOHCB’s Facebook page HERE.