scarPro with scar International Education is proud to present Micheal Pitsillides of SLATE Hair Academy to you to enjoy, right from the comfort of your home!

We have the first webinar on Monday 17 March at 9am and the following Monday the 24th will be the second at 9am again.
Join scar online for one or both of these webinars with Michael as he takes you through his two part seminar Morphosis. Over the course of the seminars, you'll explore how foundational haircutting ideas can evolve into a variety of unique looks.

Seminar 1 focuses on mastering the medium-length haircut, while Seminar 2 takes you through the art of short haircuts.
By learning how to adapt and refine these core techniques, you’ll gain the tools to create an array of dynamic hairstyles - empowering you to evolve your craft and push your creativity to new heights.

Webinar 1 only – 17th March at R525
Webinar 2 only – 24th March at R525
Double ticket to attend both Webinars 1 + 2 at R750
Salon ticket to stream both Webinars 1 + 2 for your whole salon at R1500
Read more about the webinars and buy your tickets now by clicking HERE
Or email:
Do It For Your Hair Skills
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