The Minister of Employment and Labour has by Notice (No. R 5830) in the Government Gazette (No. 52053 dated 4 February 2025) amended the National Minimum Wage from R27.58 per hour to R28.79 per hour, with effect from 1 March 2025. The amounts applicable to Learners have also been amended. NMW - GG 52053- 4-02-2025.pdf
The Wage Schedules (Annexure H of the Main Collective Agreement) are being revised and will be posted on the Council’s website.
The minimum wage and learnership allowances prescribed by the National Minimum Wage Commission are adhered to as a basis for the calculation of the prescribed minimum wages in the Wage Schedules. However, it must be noted that the employer portion of the Pension Fund contribution is also factored into the calculations. This results in the amount under the hourly rate or weekly rate in the Wage Schedules being less than the amount of the NMW, in some instances. However, the hourly rate calculation plus the value of the employer portion of the Pension Fund contribution cannot be less than the NMW prescribed by the NMW Commission.
The inclusion of the Employer’s portion of Pension Fund contributions is guided by the findings of the Labour Appeal Court in Quantum Foods (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner H Jacobs N.O. and Others (2024) 45 ILJ 71 (LAC) (18 October 2023)
The Services SETA (SSETA) has published a notice advising that the window for submission of applications for the Mandatory Grants refunds is open from 1 February to 30 April 2025.
The notice provides other useful information regarding assistance offered by SSETA including face-to-face and virtual workshops on the mandatory grants (including Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports). The link is added here for your convenience. Mandatory-Grant-Notice.pdf
UASA has notified the Council that the membership fees, effective from 1 February 2025, are R168.00 per month for Active members and R137.00 for Golden Year members.
If you have questions or need further information, kindly contact the Council per email or landline below:
Email: info@hcsbc.co.za
Tel: 0861 427 227
Please consult the Council’s WEBSITE for the contact details of Agents in your area.
For more information, contact: www.hcsbc.co.za