Know the process for quick and easy registration and access to assistance.
This issue from the Bargaining Council provides some timely announcements and clarifications on how to register and apply for short time changes, and for pension and sick fund registrations and information.
Registration of Establishment and Staff
1. All Establishments needs to be registered with the Council.
2. All staff needs to be registered with the Council after 1 month of Employment also with DEL.
Please send an e-mail to accounts@hcsbc.co.za to receive the below documents for completion:
Annexure “A” – to be completed for the registration of an establishment or legal owner.
Annexure “B” – to be completed for each person employed by an establishment.
Pension Fund Application – This provides employees with a pension fund for retirement or a death or dread disease benefit.
Pension Fund Beneficiary nomination – It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that you update your beneficiaries on a yearly basis if there’s any changes.
Benefit statements are ready for distributions by the end of July 2021.
UASA Application
EOHCB Application
Documentation for the registration of an establishment, employer, legal owner, or employee together with documents for the Sick Pay Fund, Pension Fund and membership to the parties can be obtained from the Council or from our website (www.hcsbc.co.za)
Clause 18 of the Collective agreement you need to apply to ask exemption from the funds with alternatives in place.
1. Pension Fund Exemptions you will need to complete with the help of your broker filling in the portion showing the differences in the funds especially the benefits.
2. All Staff members needs to complete the last form stating that they want exemption from the Council Pension fund as they have another with the company in place.
3. There is NO Blanket exemption for Pension or any fund as you need to apply yearly for it as stated in Clause 18.
Send all exemptions to exemption@hcsbc.co.za
Clause 18.3 explains that once you receive the outcome of your Exemption you have 14 Calendar days in which to apply for an appeal on the outcome.
1. The Appeal Committee has 30 Days in which to decide the outcome of the appeal lodge to the Council and give their decision.
2. Any appeal can be amplified to have oral argument in person or on a virtual platform to the committee.
You will send your appeal applications to exemption@hcsbc.co.za
Each employee has a short sick leave entitlement of 33 days over a 3-year period and a long sick leave entitlement also of 33 days over a 3-year period as per clause 5.4 of the Sick Pay Fund Rules.
For a Covid-19 claim, the days available for the claim to succeed will be determined by looking at both the balances left on the employee’s total leave entitlement. The member must to send a negative or Positive Dr note stating that it was covid and needs to reflect as such. You will be paid out at 100% rate on the wage that was submitted to the fund.
When you go for vaccination it will fall as a sick day and you will need to submit your card you receive in order to claim. If you have any symptoms after the vaccination those days will form part of your sick leave and you will submit your vaccination card.
For any further info please contact the Bargaining Council and we will gladly assist.