The first ever PE Hairdresser's Collaboration Boot Camp presented by Guy Kleinhaus of Guy's Chop Shop in Stellenbosch was hosted by Simon Clark Hairdressing in Port Elizabeth. The event brought hairdressers from Deep Roots, The Fountain, Nouvo, Saw, and Shag High Voltage together in collaboration to further everyone's education.
The Collaboration ran over two days – the first “look and learn” and the second “one on one mentoring” with Guy. There where a few looks of horror, on the Sunday, when hairdressers who had come dressed to impress, were handed a pair of gloves, pointed at a model and told that her colour was their responsibility. None the less everyone mucked in, got down and dirty and the sharing started.
The small number present and intimate venue meant that no one was ever more than a meter or so from any action. While all the colors were developing Guy presented a gents cut and from there the action was non stop until the end of the day when everyone shared beer and cider.

Day two started with a bang or rather bleach, quite how 3 hairdressers and 4 models can get through over half a kg of Blondor remains a mystery. Nico, our local rep, even made an emergency delivery when it looked like we might run short of Wella Color Fresh Create. Not all the participants had worked with it and once introduced to its versatility and precision, well.... (We all know what hairdressers can be like with new toys) So a really big thank you must go to Theresa and her team at Modern Hair and Beauty who kept us supplied with all the color we needed. Their commitment to continuous professional development remains unmatched in the industry. Thanks also to Party Adventures for supplying the chairs and table as well as all the other catering bits and pieces need to make the event happen.
With the second half of the day comprising a photo shoot there will be some stunning photos to share when the editing is done... many thanks to our photographer Simone Gerber. The shoot wrapped up well after the event’s official finishing time and everyone left with new contact numbers and hundreds of fresh ideas in their minds, with a commitment to attend the next one. PE Collab 2 is tentatively scheduled for August and will be limited to 15 people on a first come first serve basis. The host artist will be announced in due course but it will definitely be someone exciting....
For more info on upcoming events or to keep informed, email simon@simonclarkhairdressing.co.za