Cluny Farm Centre is located in the beautiful Midrand countryside. This non profit organisation is a residential haven for adults living with intellectual disabilities. With little funding, Cluny Farm relies on donations to assist in the well-being of the people in its care, and they recently sent out this plea:
Our Residents used to go to a Hair Salon at a nominal fee to have their hair cut. Unfortunately the Salon subsequently changed owners and could not assist us anymore. We manage to cut our men’s hair but are desperately seeking for a hair dresser who can assist us with our ladies’ hair at a reasonable price, or perhaps as a community service. If there is anyone out there who can assist us, kindly send us a detailed message via FB or an email on our website or alternatively phone us. It would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
This would be an ideal opportunity for a college whose students could gain practical experience, or else for a kind local salon to do a good deed. Please let Hairnews know if you are able to assist on a regular basis, as we would love to say thank you on their behalf, and let the industry know!
Cluny Farm’s contact details are:
Tel: 011 702 1690
Email: elise@clunyfarm.co.za
Facebook: www.facebook.com/clunyfarmcentre