Due to a busy festive season, the Border Divisional Executive Committee of the EOHCB, was unable to attend to their community responsibility programme of which the core is the underprivileged, elderly and frail within the East London area.
Lesley Bezuidenhout (Divisional Manager), Nicole Wiese (Chairperson), Tracy Barkly (Treasurer), Linda de Jong, Lyn Corby and Alrose Vice (Delegates) chose to attend to the needs of the elders/patients at The Silver Crown Home, Amalinda in East London by bringing a belated Christmas Joy to 41 elders within this nursing home on Saturday, 19 January 2019.

The elders/patients were presented with gifts in the spirit of Christmas and sharing and investing time, patience, admiration, respect and love with elders/patients who are in need and lonely was truly a humbling experience as Lesley explained.
“Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.” “Kindness is having the ability to speak with love, listen with patience and act with compassion.” “Kindness is Power, the power to help someone, the power to move someone, the power to inspire someone”.
The EOHCB would like to commend the Border Divisional Executive Committee and acknowledge their unselfish act of kindness. Not only is the EOHCB adding value to business but also to the communities in which we serve our members.
For EOHCB contact information click HERE.