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- Watch: Transition
Amazing skill! But where’s the stylist? You’ll love this funky time-lapse cutting video produced by Pops Salon, Russia.
- Intercoiffure News: Christel House Students Style Actresses
Rolf Losken from Intercoiffure Education for Life reports. On Saturday 29 April, ten students from the Intercoiffure Education for Life Christel House salon did the hairstyles of actresses taking part in an amateur theatre production at the civic center in Bellville. Being there to supervise proceedings, I am pleased to be able to report how proud I am of their achievements. They worked as a team, were totally professional and did beautiful work. There were more than 35 actresses each one of them thanking our girls with a big smile. Products from new sponsors Davines were used. Thank you again, Davines.
- College of Cape Town Short Courses
The College of Cape Town is offering two short courses ideal for upskilling employees or giving newcomers to the industry a head start. The 10-day Haircare Operations Course (evenings) and 5-day Brisk Beauty Skills Course (afternoons) are now available. For haircare contact Mrs A Detering on 021 797 5540 or adetering@cct.edu.za. For beauty contact Mrs V Thamage on 021 797 5540 or vthamage@cct.edu.za.
- Monday's Motivator
Know your self-worth. Know that you are providing a unique service to people, that helps them make the most of their features, manage their hair, enhance hair health, and improve their confidence and image. You possess the natural creativity and the hard-won skills that allow you to make the very most of your talents, and your clients. Be proud!
- Watch: KMS Backstage Prep
We spend a minute with New York hairdressing superstar Simon Miller as he preps a model by torchlight... using a cutthroat razor! Mesmerising footage that captures the excitement of the buildup to a stage show. This was taken during the KMS launch in Rivonia, Johannesburg, on 28 May 2017. Watch out for more on this show, coming soon!
- Saturday Success Styling Tip
“Customise your work. It doesn’t matter how flawless or exquisite a haircut is if it’s not on the right person. It’s important to understand the aesthetics of your work so the hair suits the client’s facial features and shape, bone structure, complexion, body type and personal style.” From Damien Carney, Joico International Artistic Director
- Style File - Ethos Hairdressing
The imagination-inspiring Appearances Collection by Ethos Hairdressing, Manchester, UK About the collection, Adam and Sharon say, “Appearances is a collection of ideas brought to mind after studying the fascinating and varied change of colour that many animals display. Throughout history, people have changed their hair colour to change others perception of themselves and this is the same in the animal kingdom for defense and attraction. The variety of colour, tone and texture that we saw during our research inspired us to create a collection of colours and techniques. From simple on-trend global shades, to highly creative fashion techniques.” Hair: Adam Bryant & Sharon Peake MUA: Mary Jane Frost & Zoe Arena Styling: Jared Green Photographer: John Rawson
- Salon Mirror Interview: Shelene Shaer on Colour
Industry icon Shelene Shaer, owner of Tanaz salon in Illovo, speaks to Jassy Mackenzie from Hairnews about how to get creative and keep inspired when colouring hair in the salon.
- EOHCB KZN Competition - Sunday 23 July
Diary date Ahead: The EOHCB KZN Hairdressing, Nail Art and Make up competition is on Sunday 23 July. This promises to be an awesome event and there will be sections for everyone to enter. Come along and test your skills or support your salon. Diarise the date now, so you have time to start practicing and prepping for success in this event! Venue: Hilton Hotel, 12-14 Walnut Street, Durban For Information: Dane@eohcb.com See the entry form, and competition sections and rules, below. Click Here to download the Entry Form
- Donovan Grove is Intercoiffure Oceania Fashion Director
Creative hairstylist Donovan Grove, owner of DNA Salon in Bedfordview, Johannesburg, has recently been chosen as the new Intercoiffure fashion director for the Oceania region. This is a great honour and we look forward to seeing Donovan’s creativity and vision taking this role forward into the future.
- Hairnews Launches to SA Industry
Exciting news ahead! From today, your industry news is going to arrive in your inbox in a quick, accessible, fun and easy to read format. The online daily Hairnews e-newsletter will replace the SA Hairdressers Journal monthly magazine - meaning that you receive everything from style inspiration, awesome videos, and stop press news items fast and fuss-free. And if you love social media, make sure to like our Hairnews.co.za Facebook page for all the latest info. The SA Hairdressers Journal team of Jassy, Des, Brad and Belinda will be your mobile e-news team. SAHJ owner Carol-Ann Jamison is bidding a sad goodbye to the industry as she moves on to new challenges in a different industry. We will still be producing print publications three or four times a year - the next one will be our famous Colour Supplement, which will be posted out in October, and you can look forward to some amazing new concepts in 2018. Cheron will be staying in charge of our print media sales. Salon owners only will also be receiving a weekly, exclusive, e-newsletter on all things business which will arrive on Mondays - and just to brighten up your life, we'll send out the Sunday Beauty newsletter to keep you updated on skincare, cosmetics, fashion, fitness and health. If you would like to get in touch with us, email info@hairnews.co.za or message Jassy on 082 891 8537. There are fabulous prizes up for grabs if you send us the emails of everyone in the salon - to make sure that nobody misses out on all the daily inspiration. We hope you enjoy reading Hairnews as much as we're enjoying our new roles as online reporters! Wishing you all the best for a fabulous, fashionable and fulfilling June.
- Awesome Goldwell Stylesign Giveaway
Do you want to stand the chance of winning a fabulous hamper containing each of the Goldwell Stylesign products? Simply send the names and email addresses of every stylist in your salon to belinda@hairnews.co.za and include your cellphone number. This competition closes at end of day on Monday 5 June. Winner will be announced on Wednesday 7 June. Don't delay... send your email now! Thanks to Goldwell Stylesign, everyone can be a creative artist in the salon.