The combination of apparently opposed elements creates a new reality, opposed to the established. It consists of creating a new order in which geometric shapes and tones are challenging, giving way to a new way of thinking.
Stripes create new straight lines, opposite and forceful, which become even more differentiated with the colours. Harmony between duality and revolution are the inspiration for a rebellion that is already here.

Hair: Iván Rodríguez @El Salon Hairdressing Club
Hair Instagram: @ivanrohair
Hair Assistant: Richy Anaya
Hair Assistant Instagram: @richihanaya
Photographer: Luis Azarte
Photographer Instagram: @luisarzate_ed
Make-up: El Salon Hairdressing Club
Make-up Instagram: @elsalonhairdressingclub
Styling: Melissa Webb
Styling Instagram: @tessutostyling
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