SLICK COMMUNITY - 2019 has challenged all business owners to be more vigilant and forward thinking as we find ourselves facing some tough realities in the Economy. As the saying goes, however; there’s always a silver lining… Despite the current testing economic climate, when we look for them, there are also lots of OPPORTUNITIES. The question is whether we, as business owners, are open to change and if we are able, willing and agile enough to adapt our strategy to make sure we not only remain in business but can even take advantage and take our companies further ahead…?
In 2019, the message from SLICK SALON SOLUTIONS business to our partners has been all about embracing “Value Creation”.
SLICK DICTIONARY: Value Creation - “Creating impact on our Business and making them more profitable by understanding what we have today , and what we can do with limited investment to make them sustainable for 3-5 years to come “.

Traditionally, most of us tend to look at contracts and suppliers and, all too often, resort to using words like – “Discount”, “Consignment”. This philosophy, however, does not create sustainable value and profitability in any business. We also find that our Income Potential doesn’t grow and so we reach a point of our career where we educate our customers on Discount and not on our “SKILL LEVEL” we have rather. And so, time has come to ask ourselves some harsh questions:
• Will this thinking help to increase sales while also growing our bottom line?
• Will it help us attract new clients and bring new bums into seats?
• Will our current thinking help us bring existing clients back more frequently?
• Do we cater for all people in our doors?
• Retail income boosts turnover, but do we have enough retail variety in our retail environments?
• Have we looked at our Renumeration offerings to change the impact of Non-Performing Assets?
If you answered “NO” to more than 3 of these, chances are you’re leaving a healthy chunk of money on the table!

At Slick Salon Solutions, we have used 2019 as an opportunity to, together with our business coaches, ask salon owners the following pertinent questions:
• How (if at all…) are we changing the way we market our business in these challenging economic times…?
• What “acquisition hooks” (if any…) are we offering to attract new clients via social media? Or are we just “BOOSTING” with a view to grow the number of likes…? (which is great for the ego but, unless we know what to do with it, doesn’t help our businesses an awful lot).
• Are we knowledgeable of our own business and do we truly understand our breakeven so that we make sure we trade profitably that we don’t keep eating into the bottom line profit and cause cashflow problems further down the line? And if we are not knowledgeable enough, what do we intend to do about it…?

At our 1st Slick Community Business event we touched on this, and at our 2nd event, we will go into detail on Social Media, Business Analysis, Value Creation.
One lucky “SLICK COMMUNITY” member will win a ticket for the event. Date to be released soon . So like our pages and watch out for details.
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